Welcome! Here is where you can find all your food and body image freedom needs!
Please watch the following video before you explore the courses!
(please note these are all smaller versions of the larger program True Food and Body Image Freedom)
True Food Freedom For EveryBODY Course
Regain trust and joy in food through intuitive eating, free from diets, binge eating, restrictions, or disordered behaviors!
Body Image Healing - Positive Acceptance, Inner Beauty, Self Compassion, and Body Compassion
Body Image Healing - Transform and Redefine Body Image
Explore Body Beliefs, Body Image Explained, Body Image Spectrum, Understand and Dive Into your Relationship with Body Thus Far
Body Image Healing - The Transition from body hate and shame to tolerance and Respect
The science of changing your brain, exploring body hate and shame, developing body tolerance, and exploring the transition from body hate/dislike to body respect
Body Image Healing - Building Body Trust and Respect
Understand Body Trust and Respect, Learn why diets, distrust, and disordered behaviors don’t work, Learn about Diet Culture, it’s history, and impact, the science behind weight and size, and more!
Embracing Joyful Movement - Cultivating a Positive Relationship with Exercise
Ditch the Punishing Exercise and Find Sustainability and Health in Fitness and Movement
Body Image Healing - Down with Destructive Body Image Behaviors
Put an end to Body Checking, Emotional Regulation/coping, and Body Bashing once and for all and Let your body emjoy life again with Body Image Exposures
Body Image Healing - Assessing and rebuilding the external world that impacts your body image
Understanding Beauty as a Concept, Social media clean out and revamp, Building a Supportive Environment and Better Boundaries
Body Image Healing - Celebrating and Cultivating Body Appreciation, Functionality, and Flexibility