Body Image Healing - Down with Destructive Body Image Behaviors

Put an end to Body Checking, Emotional Regulation/coping, and Body Bashing once and for all and Let your body enjoy life again with Body Image Exposures

Undoing and doing: Taking Action to Build Body Trust and Respect


  • Make Peace with Food

    Cultivate a peaceful relationship with food.

  • Transform Your Food Relationship

    Achieve a profound transformation in your approach to food where all foods fit and where you are in control.

  • Ditch Diets and Disordered Eating Forever

    Take grounded, sustainable steps toward breaking free from diets and disordered eating, becoming the expert of your own body.

  • Build Body Trust

    Develop a deeper sense of trust in your own body.

Lesson 1

Body Checking

In this lesson: 3 videos + 5 PDF Journals

Whether you find yourself constantly examining your appearance in mirrors, obsessively weighing yourself, or engaging in other checking behaviors, this module is designed to help you break free from these harmful patterns and cultivate a positive body image!

Lesson 2

Negative Body Image Behaviors as Emotion Regulation

In this lesson: 2 videos + 6 PDF Journals

Feelings and Body Image / Coping with Emotions using Body Image:

Coping through body image, sometimes what I call body bashing, is a learned behavior that makes us feel safe, gives us a way to feel a sense of control over our emotions, has become a sense of identity, keeps certain fears at bay, and much much more. Like a Cozy pair of sweatpants, a scapegoat...body bashing will never give you the true versions of these things. Body manipulation and fixation will only create a false and fleeting sense of what's on the bottom half of the iceberg. 

So let's start digging and replacing!

Lesson 3

Body Image Exposures

In this lesson: 1 video + 1 PDF Journal

One of my most favorite things - Body Image Exposure work!! People avoid behaviors and experiences that trigger negative BI. In the long run, this kind of avoidance actually reinforces or increases negative BI. Gradual exposure to these feared stimuli allows clients to increase tolerance of their bodies and improve BI over time.

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