Embracing Joyful Movement - Cultivating a Positive Relationship with Exercise
Ditch the Punishing Exercise and Find Sustainability and Health in Fitness and Movement
Make Peace with Food
Cultivate a peaceful relationship with food.
Transform Your Food Relationship
Achieve a profound transformation in your approach to food where all foods fit and where you are in control.
Ditch Diets and Disordered Eating Forever
Take grounded, sustainable steps toward breaking free from diets and disordered eating, becoming the expert of your own body.
Build Body Trust
Develop a deeper sense of trust in your own body.
Body Movement
In this lesson: 1 video + 2 PDF Journals
Let's dive into your relationship with movement, ditch the harmful, anxiety inducing exercise routines and start on the journey to a joyous relationship with movement that is sustainable, intuitive, and energy-giving!