Embracing Joyful Movement - Cultivating a Positive Relationship with Exercise

Ditch the Punishing Exercise and Find Sustainability and Health in Fitness and Movement


  • Make Peace with Food

    Cultivate a peaceful relationship with food.

  • Transform Your Food Relationship

    Achieve a profound transformation in your approach to food where all foods fit and where you are in control.

  • Ditch Diets and Disordered Eating Forever

    Take grounded, sustainable steps toward breaking free from diets and disordered eating, becoming the expert of your own body.

  • Build Body Trust

    Develop a deeper sense of trust in your own body.


Body Movement

In this lesson: 1 video + 2 PDF Journals

Let's dive into your relationship with movement, ditch the harmful, anxiety inducing exercise routines and start on the journey to a joyous relationship with movement that is sustainable, intuitive, and energy-giving!

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