Body Image Healing-Transform and Redefine Body Image

Explore Body Beliefs, Body Image Explained, Body Image Spectrum, Understand and Dive Into your Relationship with Body Thus Far


  • Make Peace with Food

    Cultivate a peaceful relationship with food.

  • Transform Your Food Relationship

    Achieve a profound transformation in your approach to food where all foods fit and where you are in control.

  • Ditch Diets and Disordered Eating Forever

    Take grounded, sustainable steps toward breaking free from diets and disordered eating, becoming the expert of your own body.

  • Build Body Trust

    Develop a deeper sense of trust in your own body.

Lesson 1

Introducing Exploration of Expectations/Intentions + Body Image

In this lesson: 2 videos + 1 PDF download

Exploring Expectations and Intentions about our Body Image Journey

Understanding intentions and expectations is crucial. They shape our mindset, guide our actions, and help us stay motivated. Challenging misconceptions and setting realistic goals foster a healthy body image journey. Let's get clear! 

Body Image Spectrum

The body image spectrum is not black and white; it's diverse and fluid. We can experience various points on the spectrum throughout the day. Transitioning from body dissatisfaction to self-love takes time and is not instantaneous. Let's explore this spectrum as we delve into definitions.

Lesson 2

Defining and Understanding "what is body image/body image journey"

In this lesson: 3 videos + 4 PDF downloads

In our exploration of "What is Body Image, What is Body Image Work," we will explore what is body image and what impacts body image. Additionally, while addressing this, it is crucial to also address what Body Image is Not. We will debunk misconceptions and challenge assumptions surrounding body image and body image work that hold us back. By delving into these common misunderstandings, we lay a strong foundation for our journey, gaining clarity on where we currently stand and paving the way for a more informed and transformative exploration of body image and the work involved. This introspective approach sets the stage for a meaningful and grounded understanding of the subject matter, guiding us toward our ultimate destination in this exploration of self.

Lesson 3

Setting our intentions for our body image journey moving forward + our lives

In this lesson: 1 video + 2 PDF downloads

Intention setting and goal mapping are crucial for providing clarity and motivation in personal and professional pursuits. Setting intentions articulates purpose, fostering commitment, while goal mapping breaks down objectives, creating a focused roadmap for success. These practices enhance productivity, align individuals with their values, and offer a systematic approach to navigating challenges. By outlining intentions and goals, individuals can measure progress and experience a greater sense of fulfillment in their endeavors.

Lesson 4

Deep Dive into your your relationship with your body history, experiences, and timeline

In this lesson: 1 video + 3 PDF downloads

Delving into your relationship with your body involves exploring your body history, experiences, and timeline. This introspective journey examines pivotal moments from childhood to present-day, unraveling the layers that have shaped your perceptions. By scrutinizing these experiences, you gain insight into the origins of your beliefs and emotions surrounding your body. This process serves as a crucial foundation for fostering self-awareness and taking transformative steps toward a healthier relationship with your body.

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